HolyCoast: 9/11/01 - John's Story
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11/01 - John's Story

From the 9/11 Reader's Project - here's John's story:
I remember getting ready for work that morning, going about my usual business. The phone rang and my neighbor (whom my wife and I were not that familiar with) asked if we had the TV on. After trying to explain to us what she perceived to be happening, we tuned into a national news channel and thought we were witnessing a terrible accident. After multiple camera angles and much commentary it wasn’t until the second plane hit when we and the newscasters realized this wasn’t an accident. What do we do? My wife and I didn’t know if we should continue to work that morning or not. We sat down and continued to watch as the first and then the second tower collapsed. It took us quite a while to get ready and go to work late.

The interesting thing is at that time I was traveling with a Gospel music quartet and we were scheduled to sing a concert the next night at a church. A lot of deliberation went in to cancelling or rescheduling the concert but in the end we decided it best to continue. And wow what a great concert it was. You could feel the presence of God working in ways we can only imagine. He was providing healing for someone who probably wouldn’t have come had it not been for the previous days events.

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