HolyCoast: 9/11/01 - Rick J's Story
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11/01 - Rick J's Story

From the 9/11 Reader's Project - here's the story from Rick Jensen, the radio host at KHND in Harvey, ND that I talk to every Tuesday morning:

On that day, I was doing my morning show when ABC News at the top of the hour reported that a plane had hit one of the WTC towers. At that time I did not have a TV in the studio to monitor Fox News (which I do now). Minutes after ABC News, a listener who did have a TV on did report to me that the other tower was hit as well. It was a terror attack on our country! We carried ABC News continuous coverage after that and not long after the report came in about the Pentagon. We were all in disbelief by then.

After a few moments when the Pentagon story sunk in, I remembered that my brother-in-law, Col. Raymond T. Bull works in the Pentagon for the Undersecretary of Defense. I contacted my sister who worked for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency telling me she could not get in contact with him. Hours later, my sister did call me and said Ray was fine and that in fact the plane that hit the Pentagon came within a few hundred yards of his office. We carried on with continuous news coverage from ABC through out the day and night. That afternoon my sister had my brother-in-law call in the studios for an interview with me describing the events leading up to the Pentagon attack.

My thoughts that day were of fear and is the beginning of WW 3? Truly something I or anyone else will never forget.

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