HolyCoast: 9/11/01 - Laura's Story
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11/01 - Laura's Story

From the 9/11 Reader's Project - here's Laura's story:
I was at work, and it was a beautiful day here in SE Minnesota, not a cloud to be seen in the clear blue sky. I was in my cubicle talking to someone when a fellow employee stuck his head in and said a plane had run into one of the World Trade Center buildings. I didn’t think much of it at the time, just figured it was some newbie learning how to fly one of them little puddle-jumper prop jobs or someone doing something for a movie. A little while later I heard on the radio that another plane had slammed into the other tower and that is when I knew the first plane was no accident, someone was doing this on purpose.

I had to leave work to attend classes at the local community college, and on my way out there, I heard on my car radio that yet another plane had crashed at The Pentagon, and the word was that there might be many more planes out there that were to be used in this way. I was able to catch a few minutes of the TV coverage in the Commons before class, and on the ride back to work after class, I heard about the plane going down in Pennsylvania. My main thoughts were, “What the heck is going on? Why is this happening? Who could hate us this much to do something like this?”

I spent most of the rest of the day with one ear to the radio and trying to keep up with stuff on the Internet. I heard about the Towers falling later in the day, but I didn’t really believe it until I saw it on TV that evening. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that those two towers would fall. Even now, seven years later, as I’ve watched video of it online, I still feel a sense of disbelief when I see them fall. This may sound presumptuous, but I think I echo the disbelief of a lot of other folks out there when I say they weren’t suppose to fall.

Nowadays, the footage of that awful day is buried, never to be seen again. That footage should be shown every year on 9-11 so that we don’t ever forget

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