HolyCoast: 9/11/01 - Meg's Story
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11/01 - Meg's Story

From the 9/11 Reader's Project - here's Meg's story:
I remember waking up that morning and the TV was already on. The screen showed one of the towers on fire. My mom said there had been an accident in New York; that a plane had hit the WTC, and she went off to the kitchen.

I looked at the picture and thought, how could that happen, there's not a cloud in the sky? Just then the second plane hit the other tower. I called my mom back from the kitchen, telling her about the other plane. I said, "This is no accident, this is terrorism. We're under attack!"

We watched the towers burn and then collapse on a TV at work. The Muslim Students Association on our campus, which had previously been very radically vocal, became silent. In fact they have stayed quiet ever since. I wonder if Homeland Security pulled a few student Visas, something that was long overdue.

The thing that really gets me is how quickly the media pulled the pictures of the planes hitting the towers, claiming these images were too inflammatory. Yet we had images of Abu Ghraib practically rammed down our throats. I think we need to bring the 911 photo album back out for full view. People need to remember.

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