HolyCoast: Battleground Poll: McCain +2
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Monday, September 29, 2008

Battleground Poll: McCain +2

Back during the closing days of the 2000 election the first thing I looked at every morning was the Battleground Poll. It is compiles by two polling organizations - one Republican and one Democrat, and I found it to be the most accurate poll of that election. It also had a good track record in 2004.

Today's Battleground Poll shows McCain +2 and that has held steady for the last six days. Other polling is showing a strong improvement for Obama, but many of the samples I've seen have been heavily skewed toward Democrats. I'm not sure how reliable any of these polls are, but I find it interesting that the poll put together by both a GOP and Dem polling group have showed very consistent results for the last several days.

I'll be interested in seeing how the Battleground Poll tracks in the next few days.

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