HolyCoast: Late Night Comics Finally Find Something Funny About Democrats
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Late Night Comics Finally Find Something Funny About Democrats

It's taken awhile but the late night comics are finally seeing some humor in the Dem ticket. From The Corner:
Jay Leno: "You know...those glasses" Palin "wears? Those are...a hot item right now. ... Everybody's buying them. They're huge, selling much better than the Joe Biden hair plugs."

Jay Leno: "Out on the campaign trail this week, once again John McCain spoke about the nightmare of being stuck in a...tiny 8 x 10 room thinking he might go crazy. Not in Vietnam — when he got stuck in the Capitol elevator with Joe Biden," and Biden "wouldn't shut up."

David Letterman: "How about that Barack Obama?" They are "saying for the first time he's starting to slip in the polls," but "don't worry. He's got a plan. He's going to go back to campaigning in Europe."

This is a good sign, folks. The "Messiah" has worn off the Dem campaign and the funnymen don't have to take them so seriously.

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