HolyCoast: Obama Unhinged
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama Unhinged

The meltdown of the Obama campaign continues - this headline on Fox:
Obama Blasts 'Phony Outrage' Over 'Lipstick on a Pig' Comments
I'll update this post when I get the actual transcript, but Obama has been off-message since Palin came the scene. It now appears that as he walked off the Greek Temple stage in Denver, the best days of his campaign left with him.

I was critical of McCain overplaying this issue, but if it provoked an unhinged outburst from Obama, it might have been worth it.

UPDATE - it was worth it:
Barack Obama responded Wednesday to the McCain campaign’s call for an apology concerning his pig on a lipstick remarks, by calling the controversy “phony and foolish” and defended it as an “innocent remark” that was taken out of context.
Obama said his remarks were meant to compare the policies of McCain to those of President Bush, and were in no way a reference to Republican vice presidential Sarah Palin.

Obama accused the McCain campaign of “lies and phony outrage and Swift-boat politics” and said the “made-up controversy” was “cat nip for the news media.”

Ah, the "Swift Boat" accusation. That always works.

McCain-Palin are inside Obama's head and he can't get rid of them.

UPDATE 2 - Another report:
(CNN) — Barack Obama said Wednesday 'enough is enough' after nearly a day of McCain campaign claims his 'lipstick on a pig' comment was a sexist attack leveled at GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin, and accused the Arizona senator's presidential campaign of engaging in "swift boat politics."

"Spare me the phony outrage. Spare me the phony talk about change," Obama said at the start of an education event in Virginia. "We have real problems in this country right now. The American people are looking to us for answers, not distractions, not diversions, not manipulations. They want real answers to the real problems we are facing.

"I don't care what they say about me. But I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and swift boat politics," he also said. "Enough is enough."

Heh, heh, heh...

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