HolyCoast: McCain Greets the Subject of the Media's Ire
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

McCain Greets the Subject of the Media's Ire

I wrote last night that the decision to have Bristol Palin's boyfriend/fiance' come to the convention would prove to be a good one. Take a look at this picture of McCain's arrival in St. Paul:
They're actually quite a cute couple, and if the Sarah Palin candidacy is a play to the young female vote, how do you think Bristol's hunky hockey-player boyfriend is going to go over with that demographic?

I think this is going to prove to be a plus all around. They could have tried to hide this for awhile longer, but that would have been a mistake. And as one wag put it, they could have hid this forever if they'd just told the press that John Edwards was the father.

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