HolyCoast: McCain Tells CNN To Shove It
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

McCain Tells CNN To Shove It

Well, not in so many words, but his actions speak pretty loudly:

Sen. John McCain "pulled out of a scheduled interview" with CNN "after a segment with Campbell Brown and a top McCain spokesman Monday night in which Brown asked for examples of a foreign-policy decision made by Republican vice president pick Sarah Palin," according to Broadcasting & Cable.

We mentioned McCain's falling out with the national news media yesterday. The McCain campaign has now directly taken on the New York Times, NBC News and CNN.

Politico notes McCain is "lashing out at the media to deflect Palin from scrutiny and to rally a party base that has fallen hard for the conservative Alaska governor."

Steve Schmidt, spokesman for McCain, says he is getting requests from A-list mainstream media journalists demanding paternity tests for Sarah Palin's youngest son to prove he is actually hers and not the daughters. The mainstream media has lost their collective minds and are now following the lead of the far left blogs.

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