HolyCoast: Mike, Mitt, Rudy and Sarah Tonight
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mike, Mitt, Rudy and Sarah Tonight

Three of John McCain's vanquished opponents will be featured at the GOP Convention tonight. Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney will speak in the 9pm (ET) hour which means you probably won't see their speeches unless you watch C-SPAN. Rudy Giuliani kicks off the 10pm hour with the keynote speech, followed by Gov Lingle of Hawaii and the most anticipated speech of this convention (and maybe the Dem convention as well), Sarah Palin. The entire campaign could literally come down to her performance tonight.

My advice - don't watch the broadcast networks. Last night NBC showed President Bush's speech WITHOUT the audience audio from the hall. Every time Bush stopped to wait for applause (that he probably couldn't hear) the scene on NBC was the President just standing there in silence. They then skipped Fred Thompson's speech altogether. That's media malpractice. Stick to Fox News if you want to see the speeches without interference.

Like last night I'll be Twittering comments during Rudy and Sarah's speech. You can follow along here (keep refreshing every couple of minutes), and if I get the chance, I'll post those comments on the blog.

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