HolyCoast: Morons on Parade
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Monday, September 01, 2008

Morons on Parade

The quality of the lefty attacks on Sarah Palin are already in decline, which tells you they didn't have much to begin with, and although this one doesn't represent a new low, it does represent the quality of thinking on the left. This is a Facebook page entitled "Hurricane Gustav is Sarah Palin's Fault:
The statement in the tiny print says this:
Hurricane Gustav is the fault of John McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin.

Extremist conservatives like Sarah Palin have ignored environmental warnings about coastal erosion, climate change and the importance of mangroves and have tried to stop the progress that would halt unnatural hurricane events like this.
For the morons that have declared themselves "fans" on this page, and for anyone else who buys that globaloney, let me refer you to an old post in which National Hurricane Center scientist Chris Landsea that disputes the notion that global warming has any effect on hurricanes at all, and in fact tropical storms are getting weaker everywhere around the world except in the Atlantic.

I think the real issue here is that these losers are jealous of the fact that Palin was a beauty contestant, and there's not a chance in the world that any of them could compete (though some of the guys might be quite attractive in high heels). Why else would they run her pageant photo?

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