HolyCoast: GOP Cancels Events for Labor Day, Obama Goes Ahead With His
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Monday, September 01, 2008

GOP Cancels Events for Labor Day, Obama Goes Ahead With His

I wouldn't have expected anything less. The GOP shows some class and cancels their political activities for today while Louisiana is getting pounded by Gustav, but Obama goes on with his:
Obama celebrates the holiday Monday with an afternoon Labor Day BBQ in Monroe, Michigan at the Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall Local 671.

He’ll also host a “Rally for America’s Workers” at the annual Laborfest rally in Milwaukee in the evening.

I wonder how many of "America's Workers" are losing their homes today in Gustav?

UPDATE: Obama shows up in Michigan, but then cancels speech saying it's "not appropriate at this time". Of course, by showing up he accomplished his political purpose. Cancelling the event would have been more "appropriate".

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