HolyCoast: No Cabinet Positions for Poor People
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Sunday, September 07, 2008

No Cabinet Positions for Poor People

John McCain was asked on "Face the Nation" about the people he'll choose for cabinet positions:
(CNN) -- Promising a "very bipartisan approach" to how he'll run his administration, Sen. John McCain said in an interview broadcast Sunday that he would appoint Democrats to his Cabinet.

Sen. John McCain says he would put the "best" and "smartest people in America" in his Cabinet.

Speaking to CBS' "Face the Nation," the Republican presidential nominee vowed that he won't just have a single token Democrat in his Cabinet.

"It's going to be the best people in America, the smartest people in America," McCain said. "So many of these problems we face -- for example, energy independence -- what's partisan about that?"

He said he'll also ask some members of his Cabinet "to work for a dollar a year. They've made enough money. But I'll also ask people who have struggled out there in the trenches to help people, to volunteer in their communities, who understand these problems at that level, which obviously is lost on a lot of -- a lot -- a big segment of Washington."

One lefty site was actually complaining that McCain was basically ruling out poor people for cabinet positions. Could that be because poor people generally haven't demonstrated the ability to manage anything, let alone a massive federal bureaucracy?

As far as McCain's pledge of bipartisanship, I can accept Joe Lieberman at Defense or State (though he's not technically a Democrat any longer), and if he wants to put Democrats at HUD, Labor or Commerce, have at it (those are always the affirmative action cabinet posts anyway). Otherwise, we don't need Democrats in other cabinet offices (though I guess you could put one in Education since that's probably the most useless Federal agency in Washington).

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