HolyCoast: No Politics on September 11th, And a Project for Readers
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Sunday, September 07, 2008

No Politics on September 11th, And a Project for Readers

Both presidential campaigns have announced plans to reduce or eliminate campaign advertising on September 11th:
The Obama campaign told ABCNews.com they will not be running any negative ads attacking McCain on Sept. 11. The McCain campaign said they will pull all of their campaign ads altogether.

"We won’t be running ads on 9/11," McCain spokesman Brian Rogers told ABCNews.com. "It’s a day for remembrance and unity, not political campaigning."

Note the difference - Obama will still run ads, just not the "negative" ones. Who's going to make that call?

Both candidates will also visit Ground Zero that day:

ABC News' Sunlen Miller reports: Senator Obama and Senator McCain on 9/11 will make a stop together to Ground Zero in New York City to commemorate the day.

"All of us came together on 9/11 - not as Democrats or Republicans – but as Americans," said a joint statement issued by both Senator's campaigns, "In smoke-filled corridors and on the steps of the Capitol; at blood banks and at vigils - we were united as one American family. On Thursday, we will put aside politics and come together to renew that unity, to honor the memory of each and every American who died, and to grieve with the families and friends who lost loved ones."


The Senators are both scheduled to appear later that evening at the "ServiceNation Presidential Candidate Forum" at Columbia University.

The joint appearances on 9/11 marks only the second time during the general election that the candidates have appeared together.

I'm going to join the effort to restrict political pontificating that day and use 9/11 to remember the events of that day and the experiences I had as I watched it unfold.

Here's where the reader project comes in - I'd like to run some of your rememberances as well. Where were you when you heard the news? What were your thoughts and feelings as you watched the coverage? Write up your story in an email here and send it to me. If you have your own blog, send me a link to your story. We all shared a common national tragedy that day and I think it would be interesting to hear everyone's story.

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