HolyCoast: Obamessiah Finds Himself on the Other End of the Adoration
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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Obamessiah Finds Himself on the Other End of the Adoration

It's pretty clear that the Dem campaign is absolutely stumped as to what to do now. For months and months Obama basked in the adoration of about half of the Dem party while Hillary just stood slack-jawed in disbelief that the party could fall for this guy. It was just like the old Jon Lovitz routine in which he played Michael Dukakis and during a Saturday Night Live debate was famously quoted as saying "I can't believe I'm losing to this guy".

Obama suddenly finds himself in Hillary's shoes. The world is falling for Sarah Palin, and they're not demanding any more from her than his supporters demanded from him during the fainting spectator days of the winter. He's now just as baffled as to how to proceed as Hillary was during the early primaries.

How's it feel, Barry?

What's very clear now is the Dem party made two giant errors this year. Number one they fell for Obama, a guy whose resume' certainly didn't support any notion that he should be our president, and in so doing, bypassed Hillary Clinton who not only could argue a little more experience, but probably more electability.

Secondly, when he had the chance to mend fences with the half of the party that supported Hillary, he didn't even vet her let alone choose her as his running mate. He bypassed a ticket that probably would have won easily and picked an old white guy instead. She and her supporters were left on the outside looking in, and they're not pleased.

Now, the Obama campaign is going to Hillary on bended knee asking for her to play cat fight with Palin and she won't do it. Oh, she'll go out there and make a good show of supporting the ticket and down ballot Dems, but if Obama is expecting her to go womano a womano with Palin, it ain't gonna happen. Good luck with that too, Barry.

They've tried to go after Palin on experience, they've tried slander, tried having their operatives plant false stories on the Internet, they've questioned her commitment to motherhood and her family, etc., and all it has done is enrage large numbers of voters and drive them to the McCain ticket. Unless Palin herself makes grievous errors, it's going to be tough to find a line of attack that will work.

Bottom line, Barry: You're screwed. The voters aren't looking for reasons not to like Palin, but they're very open to reasons not to like you.

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