HolyCoast: Obamessiah's Having a Bad Drudge Day
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Monday, September 08, 2008

Obamessiah's Having a Bad Drudge Day

Just look at these headlines on Drudge:


Obama's verbal slip fuels his critics: 'My Muslim faith'...

Says he considered joining military after high school...

Says could delay rescinding tax cuts...

Says was too flip on abortion question...

Scott Ott piles on:
Young Obama Wanted to Join Army, Hunt Moose

ABC adds this:
Obama Personally Takes His Daughters Back to School

My prediction for the next major headline:
Barack and Michelle Obama Announce Surprise Adoption of Special Needs Child - Michelle says "...For the First Time in My Life I'm Proud to be a Mother"
Maybe they can borrow one for a couple of months.

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