HolyCoast: President Bush: Palin an "Inspired Pick"
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Monday, September 08, 2008

President Bush: Palin an "Inspired Pick"

Looks like Sarah Palin is getting the stamp of approval from President Bush:
In an interview with “Fox and Friends,” to be broadcast on Tuesday morning, President Bush extols the Republican vice-presidential nomination of Gov. Sarah Palin as an “inspired pick.” ...

According to limited excerpts sent along by Fox News, Mr. Bush said of Governor Palin: “I find her to be a very dynamic, capable, smart woman who, you know, it really says that John McCain made an inspired pick, to me.”

As for her qualifications, (remember that Mr. Bush was governor of Texas when he ran for president in the 2000 campaign), he added: “Well, she’s had executive experience, and that’s what it takes to be a capable person here in Washington, D.C. in the executive branch.”

I'm sure the president was thinking "Gee, I wish Cheney was that good looking".

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