HolyCoast: Sarah Palin is Already Stimulating the Economy
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Friday, September 05, 2008

Sarah Palin is Already Stimulating the Economy

Just two days after the speech that rocked the political world and two months before the election, Sarah Palin is already causing economic growth:
SAN DIEGO -- Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is not just rocking the political world -- she's creating quite a frenzy for opticians with her signature frames.

Doug D'Amico said he's rushing to order Palin's glasses. The Encinitas optician told NBC 7/39 he's getting calls from women who want to buy the same glasses worn by Palin during her convention speech Wednesday night.

"It's fun," D'Amico says. "While we stay away from politics, the glasses make a strong professional statement."

The plan is to get the glasses in the store sometime Friday.

D'Amico's office, Europtics, is located at the Lumberyard Shopping Mall in North County, but it's not the only store getting calls.

Reports coming in across the country say that eyewear companies haven't seen interest in a pair of glasses like this in years. According to USA Today, the U.S. distributor of the frames keeps getting calls from dealers who want to stock the exact shape and style Gov. Palin is wearing.

Italee distributes the frames created by Japanese industrial designer Kazuo Kawasaki.

The Palin frame runs around $400 without lenses. D'Amico said the price with lenses sells for between $600 and $800.

"It will increase business," says D'Amico, "but it will also increase awareness of how you can show power and authority and still feel good in glasses."
I think the old saying "guys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses" just went out the door. Palin has broken the glasses ceiling.

What's funny, though, is that one lefty blog I saw somewhere was trying to make the case that because Palin appears without glasses in her younger photos she really has 20/20 vision and only wears the glasses to look smarter. Heh.

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