HolyCoast: Somebody Get the Obama People a Dictionary
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Friday, September 05, 2008

Somebody Get the Obama People a Dictionary

Another faux racial controversy:
(CNN) - Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland was unaware a word he used to describe Barack and Michelle Obama on Thursday carries racial overtones, a spokesman for the congressman told CNN.

Westmoreland, who represents Georgia's third district, described the Obamas as "uppity" when asked by reporters in Washington to compare Repubican vice presidential canidate Sarah Palin with the wife of the Democratic presidential candidate.

“Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they’re a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they’re uppity,” Westmoreland said, according to the Capitol Hill Newspaper the Hill.

Westmoreland's spokesman, Brian Robinson, insisted the congressman did not know the word has been used with a racially derogatory intent against African-Americans.

"When describing the Obamas as part of an elite class, Congressman Westmoreland also used a synonym for elitist: uppity. He was using the dictionary definition of the word, which is having 'an inflated self-esteem' or 'snobbish.' He stands by that characterization and thinks it accurately describes the Democratic nominee. He was unaware that the word had racial overtones and he had absolutely no intention of using a word that can be considered offensive," Robinson said.

How dare he use the actual dictionary definition of a word!

This reminds me of the 1999 incident in Washington D.C. in which a white aide to the black mayor used the word "niggardly" correctly when referring to some budget issues and was forced to resign because some moron thought it was a racial slur. He was later exonerated in the matter when someone bothered to look it up.

We don't have to surrender the language to idiots.

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