HolyCoast: With Friends Like This Obama Doesn't Need Any Enemies
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Monday, September 08, 2008

With Friends Like This Obama Doesn't Need Any Enemies

To all you Karl Rove conspiracy theorists out there, could this be his latest handiwork? Probably not. If you wanted to enrage large portions of the American public, even Karl wouldn't have thought to have some long-haired dope-smoking maggot-infested British fop insult Americans on national TV. Such was the case with the MTV Video Awards last night and host Russell Brand:
BRAND: “Now, as a representative of the global community and a visitor from abroad, I don’t want to come across a little bit biased, but could I please ask of you people of America, to PLEASE ELECT BARACK OBAMA. Please! On behalf of the world. (Camera pans to singers Chris Brown and Britney Spears applauding and cheering.) Some people, I think they’re called racists, say that America is not ready for a black president. But I know America to be a forward-thinking country, right. Because, otherwise, you know, would you have let that retarded cowboy fellow be president for eight years?

We were very impressed. It was nice of you to let him have a go. Because in England, George Bush wouldn’t be trusted with a pair of scissors.

I am obliged by broadcasting law to show some balance in this situation, which means, uh, the Republicans might be alright. Sarah Palin. She’s a VILF! A vice president I’d like to…fumble, fondle, I dunno. I do feel a little bit sorry for her daughter, getting pregnant, poor kid. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? It’s a P.R. stunt. Come on. Be honest.

And I feel most sorry for that poor teenaged father. Boy. One minute, he’s just a teenaged lad in Alaska having joyful, unprotected sex. And the next minute: Get to the Republican convention. I think that is the best safe sex message of all time. Use a condom or become Republican! …That boy will spend the rest of his life masturbating while wearing a condom…

…New music, new president, and brand new America. And you people deserve it after eight years of Bush. I promise you, you deserve it…

I wonder if the McCain people already have an ad in the works.

The self-righteous Obamessiah crowd are their own worst enemies. On Nov. 5 we're going to need to open a national mental hospital the size of 1,000 Invesco fields to hold all the mental breakdown cases when Obama loses.

Take a look at Michelle Malkin's post. Scross down and just look at some of the viewer blowback that MTV and CBS Viacom are getting from their own viewers. They stepped in it big time.

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