HolyCoast: Breaking News: Obama Won't Change His Middle Name
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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Breaking News: Obama Won't Change His Middle Name

Scrappleface has the story:
(2008-10-09) — Despite the the fact that his middle name has been branded as “inappropriate rhetoric” by his presidential rival, Barack Obama announced today that he’s scrapping a plan to change the name before inauguration day.

Just yesterday, the chairman of the Lehigh County (Pa.) Republican Party was chastised by Sen. John McCain’s campaign for using the name ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ during a McCain political rally.

Sen. McCain said he’s sensitive to the issue because his own middle name, Sydney, “sounds either foreign or girly” and he has threatened to “beat the gumption out of anyone who uses it…except for Gov. Palin, who could kick my keister six ways to Sunday.”

“We don’t have to stoop to reminding people,” said Sen. McCain, “that Sen. Obama has a middle name that that crawls out of a spider hole and bows toward Mecca five times a day. Besides, if we wanted stir up xenophobia, we could just say ‘Barack Obama’…which I think comes from the bar scene in Star Wars.”

Read the rest of it here.

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