HolyCoast: Frank Keating: Obama Is a Front Man for Radicals
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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Frank Keating: Obama Is a Front Man for Radicals

Former FBI agent and Oklahoma governor Frank Keating didn't have many nice things to say about Barack Obama and his unrepentant domestic terrorist friend William Ayers during an MSNBC interview today:
[About Bill Ayers] It does suggest character and judgment. When I was an FBI agent, we were HOT after Bill Ayers. This is an unrepentant terrorist who said in 2001 they didn’t blow up enough.

Remember Barack Obama is a “set piece” [FRONT-MAN?] here — not as a radical and as a terrorist, but as a member of the Illinois state senate.

In 2000, he voted against the entirety of the state budget because it had too much money for corrections. Voted against capital punishment. Voted against people being able to defend their families in their own homes by the use of a firearm. Voted for needle exchanges. Voted against making it a felony for a gang member to go back to gang activity while on probation. These are reckless, extreme, anti-law enforcement leftist positions that I think the American public needs to know about because it shows a lot about somebody’s value system and character.

The whole theory that Obama is little more than a puppet put up by other people to advance their radical ideas is becoming more plausible every day.

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