HolyCoast: The Debate
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Debate

Right now I'm watching the post-debate analysis on Fox, mainly because I didn't get to see the debate itself because I was out with my son replacing his cell phone. I'm getting really mixed messages when I compare what I'm reading online to what I'm seeing on Fox. On Fox it appears that Obama had a decent night, and in fact Frank Luntz' focus group seemed to swoon over him (though I'm not sure the opinions of a bunch undecided voters are worth a lot at this point of the race). Online, the sentiment seems to be that McCain won pretty handily.

What did you think?

UPDATE: Laura says the Fox panel has a disconnect with the voters:

Senator McCain did an outstanding job tonight...this is the energized, on-point performance I was hoping we'd see last time around.

The Fox News Panel is suffering from an extreme case of Beltway-itis...they sure didn't see the same debate I saw. Fred Barnes said McCain's base would be disappointed? And Charles Krauthammer actually said it was a draw and therefore Obama won. Hel-lo?

Brit Hume inexplicably said there weren't any memorable soundbites. The entire concept of Joe the Plumber is the soundbite...and I think Joe just might be the game changer McCain needed to win the election.

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