HolyCoast: Educators for Unrepentant Domestic Terrorists
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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Educators for Unrepentant Domestic Terrorists

Leave it to an educator's organization to support lunatic leftist terrorist William Ayers. Here's part of their support statement:
The current characterizations of Professor Ayers---“unrepentant terrorist,” “lunatic leftist”---are unrecognizable to those who know or work with him. It’s true that Professor Ayers participated passionately in the civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s, as did hundreds of thousands of Americans.
There were hundreds of thousands of Americans "passionately" plotting to blow up the Pentagon and the Capitol Building? Wow, and I thought the 60's were all about peace and love.

UPDATE: Jonah Goldberg's book contains a passage which describes the "peace and love" actions of the Weather Underground, William Ayers' old buddies:
Many of us forget that the Weather Underground bombing cam-
paign was not a matter of a few isolated incidents. From September
1969 to May 1970, Rudd and his co-revolutionaries on the white rad-
ical left committed about 250 attacks, or almost one terrorist bomb-
ing a day (government estimates put that number up to 600 percent
higher). During the summer of 1970, there were twenty bombings a
week in California. The bombings were the backbeat to the sym-
phony of violence, much of it rhetorical, that set the score for the
New Left in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Rudd captured the tone
perfectly: “It’s a wonderful feeling to hit a pig. It must be a really
wonderful feeling to kill a pig or blow up a building.” “The real di-
vision is not between people who support bombings and people who
don’t,” explained a secret member of a “bombing collective,” but
“between people who will do them and people who are too hung up
on their own privileges and security to take those risks.”

Bourgeois self-loathing lay at the very heart of the New Left’s ha-
tred of liberalism, its love affair with violence, and its willingness to
take a sledgehammer to Western civilization. “We’re against every-
thing that’s ‘good and decent’ in honky America,” declared one
rebel. “We will burn and loot and destroy. We are the incubation of
your mother’s worst nightmare.” The Weathermen became the storm
troopers of the New Left, horrifying even those who agreed with
their cause. Convinced that all whites were born tainted with the
original sin of “skin privilege,” the fighting brigade of the New Left
internalized racialist thinking as hatred of their own whiteness. “All
white babies are pigs,” declared one Weatherman. On one occasion
the feminist poet Robin Morgan was breast-feeding her son at the of-
fices of the radical journal Rat. A Weatherwoman saw this and told
her, “You have no right to have that pig male baby.” “How can you
say that?” Morgan asked. “What should I do?” “Put it in the
garbage,” the Weatherwoman answered.

Bernadine Dohrn [Ayers' wife], an acid-loving University of Chicago law stu-
dent turned revolutionary, reflected the widespread New Left fasci-
nation with the serial-killing hippie Übermensch Charles Manson.
“Dig It! First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same
room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach!
Wild!” In appreciation, her Weather Underground cell made a three-
fingered “fork” gesture its official salute.

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