HolyCoast: Here's Why the McCain-Palin Character Attacks on Obama Are Important
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Monday, October 06, 2008

Here's Why the McCain-Palin Character Attacks on Obama Are Important

I've read some comments at various placed decrying the McCain-Palin character attacks on Obama as "old news". Well, to people who follow politics as closely as I have, and probably to you too, it is old news. But we have to remember there are millions of voters out there who simply have not followed the political game through the grind of the primaries and are just now starting to pay attention.

Maybe they tuned in for the first time when Obama gave the Berlin speech, or during the Greek Temple speech in Denver. Maybe they haven't been following the twists and turns of the campaign and never heard much about Rev. Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko, Obama's strange past, his association with ACORN, his role as a "community organizer", etc. Maybe they don't realize that he had served in the Senate only 143 days when he considered himself qualified to be president. Maybe they don't realize how dangerously left-wing his politics are. Maybe they don't realize that what they have heard about Obama in the mainstream media has been terribly slanted, often leaving out crucial information while whitewashing his past.

Yes, I agree they're politically stupid, but that's the world we live in and unfortunately those people have just as much right to vote as those of us who have been immersed in this race for the last 2 years. Therefore it's incumbent upon McCain, Palin, and their surrogates to remind all these politically naive folks of what the real Obama looks like. He's not just the guy with the smooth speeches and all that "hope and change" nonsense. He has a past and a series of relationships that suggest he's neither fit nor ready for the job of President of the United States.

This character campaign may be the last opportunity to get through the thick skulls of the politically stupid. It has to be done.

UPDATE: K-Lo at The Corner confirms my point about voters just starting to pay attention:
Last night I gave a talk in Manhattan about Obama and Catholics. Afterward, a number of people came up to me and told me that they can't believe how much they are just learning about Obama. I had talked in detail about his abortion record, which they found helpful. And many — to the point you would have thought he had been the opening act (as if) — mentioned that they found Sean Hannity's show over the weekend on Obama's ties to radicalism revealing.

Now is the time to hit this stuff hard.

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