HolyCoast: Marketing Jeans With a Hidden Sex Tape
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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Marketing Jeans With a Hidden Sex Tape

I received an email from a reader the other day. Here's part of it:
Now, I'm a Christian, and am pretty conservative in many aspects of my life, but I try to be a "hip" mom for my kids, you know? So, I joined my daughter one day for a short session of some jean shopping online and she told me about these jeans she really likes called Rich & Skinny. I was thrown off by the name itself because I found it to be offensive, but decided to check them out anyway. I went to their website, and after clicking around in what seemed to be a very interesting, rich site, I had to take the laptop away from my daughter because of some "certain" things I came across. I was utterly disgusted as to what I found. It seems that they feel that they need to lure their customers by providing this sex filled, scandalous storyline that just really angered me. There was even a hidden "sex tape" within the site!!

Do they know that children can easily assess this site? What is today's media trying to teach our children? That if you buy certain things, you too can live these filthy lifestlyes that some people in this world think is cool? It angers me that sex is seen today as something that everyone who's cool does all the time, and if you don't do it, you are quote a "loser."

I guess I just thought that if you blogged about this, that other moms would become aware and I would be curious to know what they would think about this issue of "sex in the media" and how easily it can affect our children's perspectives on it.
Consider it blogged. I checked out the site in question (which I'm not going to link to here) and she was right about every aspect of it. There are various hidden videos within the site, including one pretty obvious sex act. It's not somewhere you want your teenager going.

Using sex to market jeans has been around for a long time (see here), but it's clear that companies like this feel they have to push the boundaries every further in order to stand out from the muck that makes up that business.

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