HolyCoast: Lefties Love William Ayers
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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Lefties Love William Ayers

Don Surber makes the connections between Barack Obama and unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers that the NY Times and other media refuse to do:
Some on the Left love Bill Ayers but it is a love that dare not speak its name.

Let’s cut through the crap.

The reason some on the Left love Bill Ayers is that he’s an unrepentant bomber who attacked the Pentagon to try to “end” the war — which is lefty lingo for losing the war.

He is a friend of Democrat Barack Obama, who launched his political career and had him appointed to one of those lofty-sounding foundations that are really the old radicals working within the system.

They know if the public associates the two as friends, it is fatal to Obama’s campaign.

Republican John McCain plans to make that association.

Thus Saturday’s story in the New York Times that is basically Obama and Ayers say they hardly know each other. It is an inoculation.

We’ll see if that works.

The Times called Ayers a 1960s bomber when in fact the bombings were began in 1970 and ended with the 1981 robbery of a Brinks truck which left two terrorists (named in the story) two police officers (not named) and a Brinks guard (also not named) dead.

Ayers famously said 20 years later in a story published in the New York Times on 9/11 that he has no regrets– other than that he did not cause more mayhem.

This was said not when Obama was 11 (actually Obama was 20 when the Brinks robbery went down) but when Obama was 40.

Ayers said this 6 years after he met Obama and was working within the system.

Some on the Left consider Ayers a hero.

Now is the time to bring this stuff up and hammer it home. Remember Mark Foley and the 2006 election? It was right about this point that Foley suddenly appeared in the news after the Dems and compliant media held the story until it would have the maximum effect. McCain, Palin, and all of their surrogates need to make this connection on a daily basis. The NY Times thinks they can innoculate Obama against the charges, and even CNN is doing their best to excuse the connection by pointing to publications they claim have stated their relationship was incidental at best (they even named National Review, a publication that has done nothing of the sort and is complaining about it loudly).

If we can get through the media shield and make this play directly to the voters (as Sarah Palin is doing in her speeches), you could see the "Bradley effect" writ large on election day as voters walk into those ballot booths and refuse to vote for a guy who is buddies with people like Ayers.

P.S. That photo of Ayers standing on the American flag was taken in 2001 as part of this story. And don't forget this story that unfortunately for Ayers and Obama appeared in the NY Times on the morning of September 11, 2001.

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