HolyCoast: McCain Campaign Demands Obama Video From the LA Times
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

McCain Campaign Demands Obama Video From the LA Times

I posted the other day on the videotape of Barack Obama toasting a Palestinian "activist" that is being held by the LA Times. A number of conservative bloggers have been hounding the Times to release the video, and the Times has refused. Now the McCain campaign is getting involved:
John McCain's campaign is demanding that the Los Angeles Times release a video of a party for a prominent Palestinian activist that Barack Obama attended in 2003.

The Times described the going-away party for former University of Chicago professor, and Obama friend, Rashid Khalidi, in a story in April. The story reported that Palestinians thought they might have a friend in Obama because of his friendships in that community, despite the fact that his positions have never been particularly pro-Palestinian.

"A major news organization is intentionally suppressing information that could provide a clearer link between Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi," said McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb, citing Obama's friendship with Khalidi, who is now a professor at Columbia University.

He said the video could, among other things, show how Obama responded to a poem recited at the party accusing Israel of "terrorism" and warning of consequences for U.S. support for Israel, which Goldfarb described as "hate speech."

"The election is one week away, and it's unfortunate that the press so obviously favors Barack Obama that this campaign must publicly request that the Los Angeles Times do its job — make information public," he said.

This certainly puts more pressure on the Times, but don't look for a release of that tape. They have too much invested in an Obama victory.

They're also laying off another 75 people as their newspaper slowly dies.

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