HolyCoast: Nine Statements Barack Obama Can't Make, But You Probably Can
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Monday, October 06, 2008

Nine Statements Barack Obama Can't Make, But You Probably Can

Mark Levin at The Corner points out nine statements that probably every one of you could make, but Obama can't make any of them:

  • My career was not launched with the assistance of an unrepentant terrorist.
  • My pastor has never said "God damn America."
  • I don't think our troops are "just air-raiding villages and killing civilians."
  • My spouse doesn't think America is a "downright mean country."
  • I've never sat on a board with an unrepentant terrorist.
  • I've never directed millions of dollars to radical organizations.
  • I've never opposed requiring medical care for babies who are born alive.
  • I bought my home without assistance from a convicted felon.
  • I've never taken my kids to a church whose pastor thinks AIDS was created by the government.

Let me add a few:

  • I never helped a radical community group extort loan funds from local banks.
  • I didn't attend a Muslim school in Indonesia.
  • I didn't have a prominent Saudi Jew-hater solicit letters of recommendation so I could go to Harvard.
  • My pastor never gave awards to Louis Farrakahn.

Feel free to add yours in the comments.

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