HolyCoast: Another Kennedy in the Senate?
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Friday, December 05, 2008

Another Kennedy in the Senate?

I just don't understand the whole Kennedy mystique (from Political Wire):
"Another Senator Kennedy? The crazy speculation about Hillary Clinton's Senate seat may not be so crazy after all. A Democrat who would know tells ABC News that New York governor David Paterson has talked to Caroline Kennedy about taking the seat, which was once held by her uncle, Robert F. Kennedy. It's not exactly shocking that Paterson would reach out to one of the most highly respected public figures in New York, but this is: Sources say Kennedy is considering it, and has not ruled out coming to Washington to replace Hillary Clinton in the Senate."
Back in June it was announced that Caroline Kennedy would be one of three people in charge of vetting VP candidates for Obama. I wrote this:
Caroline Kennedy?? What possible expertise in picking Vice Presidents does she bring to the committee? Her endorsement was symbolic at best, and I expect that her position on this committee is likewise symbolic. A little affirmative action for Kennedys, I suppose.
Let's examine her record as a VP vetter: Joe Biden. Enough said.

New York doesn't need to send another Kennedy to the Senate. Surely they have somebody in that state with relevant experience.

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