HolyCoast: North to Sonoma
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Saturday, January 02, 2010

North to Sonoma

Rather than sit in the house bored out of her mind for another four weeks during the winter break, my daughter decided to knock out 6 units by taking two classes during what they call "intersession". Consequently, she's going back to Sonoma State today after only a little over two weeks at home. Frankly, her real home now is in Northern California because that's where are her friends are. All part of growing up, I guess.

Consequently, we're hitting the road early this morning to take her back. My wife and I will drive home tomorrow, and because of the schedule, I'm leaving the laptop at home. If I post anything this weekend it will come from the cellphone.

Because I'm going to be away from the blog for the most part I'm going to turn the comment moderation on for all posts. That'll keep the spammers from being successful while I'm not able to clear their junk off the blog. I'll review anything that comes in when I get back.

Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

My two daughters are attending college in Grand Rapids, MI and we dropped them off at LAX last night after being home for two short weeks. We just got the call that they have arrived. I can relate to what you are going through. The house is already seems quiet.


Dick Carter said...

Safe Travels! Watch out for Smokies!!!!