HolyCoast: Obama May Order Gitmo Closed on Day One
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama May Order Gitmo Closed on Day One

This will never work:
WASHINGTON -- President-elect Barack Obama is preparing to issue an executive order his first week in office -- and perhaps his first day -- to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, according to two presidential transition team advisers.

It's unlikely the detention facility at the Navy base in Cuba will be closed anytime soon. In an interview last weekend, Obama said it would be "a challenge" to close it even within the first 100 days of his administration.
This will not work simply because the incoming administration has no idea what to do with the inmates. Other countries aren't particularly interesting in taking them, and moving them to prisons in the U.S. is sure to stir up some local opposition. If such an order is issued it will be symbolic at best, and shameless pander to the left at worst.

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