HolyCoast: Political Intimidation in the Computer Age
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Political Intimidation in the Computer Age

In the old days political opponents could be tarred and feathered. Today, they're Google Mapped. Opponents of Prop 8 (the California measure that defined marriage in a way they didn't like) have created a Google Map application that shows the location, name, and employer of everyone who contributed to the Yes on 8 campaign.

Of course, there's no purpose to having this application other than to create an environment of political intimidation so that people who might consider contributing to a future measure will think twice about it. It also serves as a guide to those small-minded individuals who are seeking to punish individuals and their employers who exercised their constitutional rights to donate to a cause they believed in.

Yes, I suppose the No on 8 deadenders have a right to produce something like this, but they place themselves at risk if this application can be traced to a violent attack on an individual.

And based on how these people have responded to the election, it will happen.

I didn't donate to Prop 8, but I will to the next one. I like seeing my name on the internet.

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