HolyCoast: Random Thoughts on the Inauguration
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Random Thoughts on the Inauguration

Not on the politics, but the spectacle:
  • I've walked the Washington Mall a couple of times and it's a mighty big place. It's about 2.2 miles from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial, and near as I can tell, every available place is taken. It's an astonishing crowd, and no matter what you think of the outcome of the election, it's still a stirring sight.
  • President Bush's term ended at noon during the musical performance. Obama wasn't sworn in until 12:06. Who was president? Please don't tell me it was Nancy Pelosi.
  • President Bush usually looks pretty comfortable in front of the cameras, but today he looked very uncomfortable as he greeted the Obamas at the White House and later as he walked through the Capitol Building. He loosened up once he got to the reviewing stand and was greeting others. I'm sure looking out on that crowd, all of whom wanted him out of office, was a little daunting.
  • As Laura Bush walked in she walked past the outstretched hands of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid before shaking Steny Hoyer's hand. I don't know if she didn't see them or purposely snubbed them. Either way works for me.
  • Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton apparently snubbed one another backstage in the Capitol. The famous photo recently of the current, former and future president showed Carter standing away from Clinton while the others were close. Carter's just not a likeable guy.
  • If you wanted to make Dick Cheney look more evil and sinister, I can't think of a better way to do it than to put him in a wheelchair. That's too bad, because that will be the last image of Cheney many will have.
  • Obama looked like he always does as he walked through the Capitol. If his nose was any higher he'd be picking stucco out of it.
  • Great musical arrangement of Simple Gifts by piano, cello, clarinet and violin. Almost worth watching the inauguration.
  • Bill Clinton looked, as Brit Hume described it, like he was searching for just the right expression.
  • Chief Justice Roberts and Obama both fumbled the oath a bit. No harm done, but it didn't come out exactly the way it was written.
  • Obama says "On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics. " Does that mean he's tell John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi to knock off the Bush witchhunt?
  • The speech was okay, but frankly not that stirring. Perhaps the environment was such that the soaring rhetoric didn't soar all that well. I'm sure others will disagree.
  • Speech included globaloney about "harnessing the sun" and using more than our share o energy (whatever that means), and kind of a cheap shot at Bush about "being ready to lead again". If Bush hadn't been leading, American cities might have been bleeding.
  • Speech also included a lot of cliche's - "raging storms", "gathering clouds". I didn't hear a line that will get carved in granite anywhere or be remembered among the great speeches.
  • President Bush has boarded the former Marine One after gladhanding Obama and his wife. I think Bush is relieved.
  • People in the crowd are chanting "Thank you Obama". All he's done so far is flub the oath, give a forgettable speech, and sign some stuff. Those people are easily pleased.

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