HolyCoast: Will Miss California Lose Her Crown?
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Friday, April 24, 2009

Will Miss California Lose Her Crown?

That question was posed to her on Fox News:
Carrie Prejean, who is still Miss California as of 5 p.m. PDT April 22, reacts on Fox News to rumors that she might have her crown taken away.

"If they want to take my crown away from me, by all means, that's fine," she says.

"If you don't think that I am representing the state of California the way that you want me to, that's fine. I think that I am staying true to myself and that is what a Miss California should do; a Miss California should have her own opinions and be able to state them."

Not to mention the fact that the state she represents voted just last November to make traditional marriage a part of the state's constitution. Miss California is not out of the mainstream of California opinion - she is firmly in the middle of California opinion.

She was also given a hero's welcome at the Dove Awards last night. That's the Gospel Music Association's version of the Grammys.

Miss Prejean may be one of those rare people whose careers were made not by winning something important, but by coming in second.

Should the pageant committee strip her of her title it will only accelerate her celebrity and standing in much of the country. Instead of just creating a hero among traditional marriage supports, they will create a martyr - an even more powerful image.

The gay marriage supporters haven't yet figured out that every time they have an immature meltdown over this issue they make traditional marriage look better and smarter, and gay marriage look like a haven for emotional cripples.

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