HolyCoast: "Religion of Peace" Convert Arrested in Recruiting Office Shooting
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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

"Religion of Peace" Convert Arrested in Recruiting Office Shooting

He must have skipped the "peace" part during his conversion:

A Muslim convert who said he was opposed to the U.S. military shot two soldiers outside an Arkansas recruiting station, killing one of the soldiers, police said Monday.

"This individual appears to have been upset with the military, the Army in particular, and that's why he did what he did," Little Rock Police Lt. Terry Hastings said in a phone interview.

"He has converted to Muslim here in the past few years," Hastings said. "To be honest we're not completely clear on what he was upset about. He had never been in the military."

Hastings identified the man in custody as Carlos Bledsoe, 24, of Little Rock, who was going by the name of Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad. He did not have further details. The names of the soldiers were not released, nor was the condition of the wounded soldier.

Code Pink has spent years trying to shut down military recruiting centers, such as the one in Berkeley. We're now waiting for Code Pink to condemn this shooting in the same manner every reputable pro-life organization condemned the shooting of the abortion doctor on Sunday.

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