HolyCoast: White House Reporters Have Their Hopes Dashed
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Friday, June 19, 2009

White House Reporters Have Their Hopes Dashed

They had hoped to bask in the presence of The One:
There was a palpable air of disappointment when the door to the White House Briefing Room opened and only spokesman Robert Gibbs and his aides entered.

Some of us in the press corps had thought it might be President Obama. ...

Today's schedule certainly lent itself to hopes of a surprise appearance by the president in the Briefing Room. He had no public appearances today until a big money Democratic fund-raiser tonight. Plus, there was lots to ask him about, including the situation in Iran, delays in getting his health care plan enacted and reports that the U.S. Navy was tracking a North Korean vessel suspected of carrying weapons or their parts.

In addition, word spread through the Press Room that two of the president's photographers were spotted in the Briefing Room as reporters prepared for their daily feeding of information.

In the minds of some, it added up to the possibility of a presidential appearance.

At CBS News, the bosses scrambled for the possibility of breaking into network programming should Barack Obama make an unexpected appearance before reporters.

Perhaps he had a surprise announcement to make, as he did on May 1st, when he unexpectedly interrupted spokesman Gibbs during a routine briefing to announce that Supreme Court Justice David Souter would be stepping down.

So there was a sense of anticipation as the announcement over the press room public address system proclaimed: "the briefing will begin in two minutes."

All eyes locked on the door from the lower press office through which Gibbs and his aides routinely walk. Would it open today for the president to walk in?

More than two minutes passed. And another two. And then another. Finally, the sliding door opened, but alas, no president. In walked Robert Gibbs and his team.

He sensed the disappointment.

'What?" he asked the press.

"We were wondering if there was a mystery guest," explained a reporter.

"No," said Gibbs, "None that I'm aware of."

"Bummer," was the unspoken reaction among the press.
I'll bet they had all worn their very best underwear for the occasion.

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