HolyCoast: The Blue Dogs Aren't Going Along on Obamacare
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Blue Dogs Aren't Going Along on Obamacare

This is probably only temporary good news:
A leader of the conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats told CNN Wednesday he and other group members may vote to block House Democrats' health care bill from passing a key committee if they don't get some of the changes they want.

"We remain opposed to the current bill, and we continue to meet several times a day to decide how we're going to proceed and what amendments we will be offering as Blue Dogs on the committees," said Rep. Mike Ross, D-Arkansas.

Ross said the bill unveiled Tuesday by House Democratic leaders did not address concerns he and other conservative Democrats outlined in a letter late last week to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The conservative Democrats don't believe the legislation contains sufficient reforms to control costs in the health care system and believe additional savings can be found. Their letter to leaders raised concerns about new mandates on small businesses. Blue Dogs also say the bill fails to fix the inequities in the current system for health care costs for rural doctors and hospitals.
I predict that at some point the Blue Dogs will be bullied into voting for Obamacare, even if the bill is still a terrible mess. The urge to do something, even if stupid, seems to be outweighing the urge to leave the best health care system in the world alone.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Having travelled to numerous foreign countries that have some system of universal health care I find it uterly amazing that we here in the U.S.A. having the very best health care system in the world are listening to our government leadership who are trying to do away with our system of health care for a sub-standard system which financially will bankrupt the country!