HolyCoast: Durbin Consumed With Race, Thinks You Are Too
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Durbin Consumed With Race, Thinks You Are Too

Sen. Dick Durbin, one of the lowlights in the Senate, thinks everyone is consumed with thoughts of race. He offered this insight during a question in Monday's Sotomayor hearing:
"When we asked questions of the white male nominees of a Republican president, we were basically trying to ... make sure that they would go far enough in understanding the plight of minorities, because clearly that was not in their DNA," Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said.

"The questions being asked of you from the other side primarily are along the lines of, will you go too far in siding with minorities?" Durbin said.
Of course, white male Republicans are genetically predisposed towards racism, and "wise Latina Democrats" are genetically predisposed towards reverse racism.

If we ever achieve Martin Luther King's ideal of a colorblind society, it will only be because all the Democrats that think like Durbin are dead.

And that's most of them.

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