HolyCoast: Congress Should Sign Up for Obamacare First
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Congress Should Sign Up for Obamacare First

Don Surber identifies his hero of the day:
Just when you think the Republic is lost and the socialists will be in power forever, up steps a congressman from Louisiana — Dr. John Fleming — to call the socialists out.

He proposed House Resolution 615, which requires those who vote for Obamacare to live under Obamacare.

Taking to the House floor, he said: “Gradually, the details of the Democrat Health Plan are leaking out to the American people. Call it whatever you like this proposal is nothing more than a government run healthcare plan if it has a government run option. Interestingly it exempts members of congress from having to join a government run healthcare system. As a physician for many years, I’m amazed at the number of congressman who have enjoyed high quality personalized healthcare in this country, but are now willing to force post office style medicine on our people. In response to this I have offered a resolution that would give members of congress an opportunity to finally be accountable for the decisions we make and how they affect the lives of ordinary Americans. Most Americans feel that congressman who vote for legislation creating a government run healthcare plan should lead by example and enroll themselves in the same public plan. I agree with them. As a result, I have introduced House Resolution 615 with a number of co-sponsors that simply says that if you vote for a government run healthcare option, you agree to choose government run healthcare for yourself and your family. I encourage members of both parties to vote for this. Thank you.”

The video.

If it is to save money, sure, then let Congress save our money first.

While we are at it, make Sen. Robert C. Byrd and the 46 other senators who are over 65 to sign up for Medicare and to use it only for their health needs.

If it is good enough for their employers, then it should be good enough for these public servants.

And if health care is a "right", how about legal advice? As Ed Morrissey points out we have an actual constitutional right to legal advice so perhaps it's time for LegalCare.


Linda said...

Of course we've said this for years. They also ought not be paid their salaries after they leave office. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as my g'ma would say!

Goofy Dick said...

The health insurance plans which the politicians have should be cancelled! They all ought to have the same Government Health Insurance which the general public has to have. Gosh, don't you think they would then come up with a plan which would benefit everyone?
There is only one thing these politicians will understand----when the next Elections come up if they voted for the stupide Obama Stimulis Plan and this ridiculus Government run Health Insurance plan, they should be VOTED out of office!!!!