HolyCoast: Conservative Ideas Not Welcome at the Mall
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Conservative Ideas Not Welcome at the Mall

I've seen all kinds of Obama crap being sold at local malls, and although I find it personally offensive, I don't complain because they have a right to be stupid if they want to.

In Concord, NC, the local mall there is not renewing a lessee's space because of complaints about his conservative merchandise:
"Impeach Obama."

"Al Qaeda's favorite days: 9/11/01 and 11/04/08."

"Work Harder. Obama needs the money."

The bumper stickers and posters sold at "Free Market Warrior" at Concord Mills are meant to be "biting," the kiosk's owner Loren Spivack said.

At least one passerby found them racist and bigoted, and took time to tell the mall in a letter and a letter to the editor of the Charlotte Observer.

Whatever your opinion, the fact is this: At the end of July, Free Market Warrior will not be allowed at Concord Mills Mall. The kiosk chain's owner shared e-mail correspondence with NewsChannel 36 that explains that the mall management has decided that the items sold are not "neutral" enough. The lease will be allowed to expire July 31, 2009 without an option to renew.

Spivack, who first leased the space this spring, says the decision came as a shock to him. He says mall management seemed pleased with the kiosk just a few weeks ago.

"Nobody in that mall is selling anything from a conservative perspective. Plenty of people are selling things with a liberal perspective, with a pro-Obama perspective," he said. "Given that we are in America and not North Korea, we probably should have some stuff on the other side."

Spivack says he is careful not to sell things that personally attack a politician and wants a fair exchange of ideas. "The material that I sell is about politics and ideas," he told Newschannel 36. "It's all legitimate criticism."

Concord Mills, owned by Simon Property Group, would not comment for this story, cited a policy against talking about tenant and landlord situations.

Spivack says the company first contacted him about his lease after a letter to the editor appeared in the Charlotte Observer. The author, recent UNC-Charlotte graduate Jennifer Ibanez, wrote"

"Free Market Warrior, a kiosk located adjacent to Bass Pro Shops, specializes in memorabilia embellished with pro-confederacy statements as well as those opposing both the government and President Obama. In addition, these products support ideas such as racisms, sexism, and even slavery. While freedom of speech is a Constitutional right it's difficult not to believe that something just isn't quite right here.

"I find it appalling that Concord Mills, North Carolina’s #1 visitor attraction, would condone such a message to be portrayed by their vendors and can't imagine how the outside visitors' perceptions of North Carolinians have been skewed by such an establishment.

"It’s hard to stay open-minded when such uncivilized and outdated ideas are endorsed on a daily basis. It's 2009; please, let's at least try to put this type of bigotry to an end."

Ibanez told NewsChannel 36 she was so offended, she wrote the mall as well. She says a friend of hers also wrote in. Both threatened not to return to Concord Mills.

The owner of the mall group, Mel Simon, has been a generous contributor to Democratic causes and politicians, including Barack Obama. Spivack thinks the decision about his lease is political.

"If they have decided to make their malls conservative/libertarian free zones, where those opinions can't be expressed, I do think it's their right to do that, but it's our rights to publicize the fact that they are doing that," he said.

If the issue is about causing offense, he told us, the mall should police other stores. Spivack sent NewsChannel 36 pictures of several T-shirts and banners from novelty stores at the mall that were so crude we've chosen not to share them.

This guy's space is obviously gone and he won't be able to save it. Consequently, there's only one way to fight back against this kind of censorship - use the opposition's tactics against them. Start complaining about anything and everything that other merchants are selling that promote liberal ideas and be sure to tell the mall operators you won't come back if they don't do something. Two can play this game.


Anonymous said...

You can bet your boyyom dollar that Concord Mills won't see my face in their malls and I will do all I can to spread the word at how "bigoted" they are also. As for people like the one who complained about what this Kiosk was selling, we will also have these loose lipped left wing lovers to put up with. Their far out left wing agenda of hate and bigotry is just fine for everyone to have to put up with, but there should be no freedom of expression from the Right Side point of view according to them.

Meg said...

Right on, Anonymous. Look up www.simon.com to find the stores nearest you for boycotting. In SoCal that would be Del Amo Fashion Center, Brea Mall, Westminster Mall, Mission Viejo Mall (sorry Rick), and Fashion Valley.

Ironically, the word verification I had to type in for this entry was "pricks." Talk about your double entendre!

Anonymous said...

You can see the products on the Free Market Warrior website, and post your support of the Boycott at Boycott Simon Malls, as well as join their groups on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the free market, you poor angry guys, you. Holy cow, grow a pair, will you?