HolyCoast: Health Care and Homeschoolers
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Health Care and Homeschoolers

Reader Matt sent me a link to information from the current health care bill of concern to homeschoolers. How would you like a government bureaucrat coming into your home and telling you how to raise your kids?
Urgent calls are needed to the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate to oppose H.R. 3200, “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.” Although this bill does not directly impact homeschool freedoms, it would significantly impact parental rights and early childhood education. For more information, read HSLDA’s legislative summary of H.R. 3200.

While this bill is being promoted as a way to reform health care and help Americans, it should be opposed because it would:

Spend billions of dollars to allow the federal government to fund home visitation programs, where government officials would enter homes and monitor children and instruct parents in how to raise their children;

Encourage states to pressure families to enroll their children in these home visitation programs;

Put the federal government in the healthcare business, resulting in loss of competition, loss of patient choice, and loss of patient freedom;

Require all health insurance plans, whether offered by a private company or the government, to include controversial “essential benefits,” which courts or the Secretary of Health and Human Services may determine to include medical procedures which businesses and taxpayers may oppose on philosophical and religious grounds; and
Increase the size and power of the federal government.
Of course, no one promoting this legislation will ever admit that control of your children is one of their goals, but all you have to do is read the bill.


Linda said...

Of course they want to control how the family is raising their children. The government wants to have control over every aspect of our lives. This is completely opposite of what our country was based on.

We need to keep fighting, and calling our representatives. I almost have them in 'speed dial', and their email address are in my address book! I don't care if I'm from KS, and our representatives are against most of the legislation that is trying to be passed. They need to know what we think, and the only way to do that is to tell them.

Goofy Dick said...

LINDA: I couldn't agree more with your posting. I have friends who constantly say "oh, what could I do, I'm just one person". It's this view that allows the dirt devils to win, because we won't make our views known. We all need to write letters, send emails, make phone calls, make personal visits, etc. with and to our politicians and make OUR views known to them. They are to represent We The People and if we don't speak up they will listen to their fellow politicians or lobbyists. SPEAK UP AND BE HEARD!