HolyCoast: Death of a TOTUS
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Death of a TOTUS

Oh the humanity...er, electronics:
ABC News' Sunlen Miller and Jake Tapper report: If a teleprompter falls in the White House, does it make a sound?

Yes, especially when it’s the President’s teleprompter – or TOTUS as it is often referred to.

Midway through his speech on urban and metropolitan policy in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building this afternoon, one of his two small glass prompters came crashing down, hitting the wood floor and crashing in many pieces. It made quite a ruckus.

“Oh, goodness,” a startled President Obama said. “Sorry about that, guys.”

He then proceeded on with his remarks, “To pull our economy back from the brink, including the largest and most sweeping economic recovery plan in our nation's history…”

For the rest of the speech the president relied on the one remaining teleprompter, to his right, and notes on his podium to finish his speech.

Shards of glass remained near the president’s feet for the duration of his speech.
You know, if Obamacare had already passed TOTUS would have been covered for this. Now he may have to go back to working in an ATM.


Sam L. said...

Saw this on You Tube. I wonder if this would have been there two months ago. Certainly not three months ago.

LewArcher said...

Seven years of bad luck. Seven-and-a-half left in his presidency. Look at the bright side, that gives him a good six months at the end.

Robb said...

Maybe this is an omen about what is going to happen to the country in the future…