HolyCoast: Desperate Dems Block GOP Health Care Mailing
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Desperate Dems Block GOP Health Care Mailing

How sensitive are the Democrats to criticism about their health care bill? Pretty sensitive:
Democrats are preventing Republican House Members from sending their constituents a mailing that is critical of the majority’s health care reform plan, blocking the mailing by alleging that it is inaccurate.
House Republicans are crying foul and claiming that the Democrats are using their majority to prevent GOP Members from communicating with their constituents.

The dispute centers on a chart (view PDF) created by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) and Republican staff of the Joint Economic Committee to illustrate the organization of the Democratic health care plan.

At first glance, Brady’s chart resembles a board game: a colorful collection of shapes and images with a web of lines connecting them.

But a closer look at the image reveals a complicated menagerie of government offices and programs that Republicans say will be created if the leading Democratic health care plan becomes law.

In a memo sent Monday to Republicans on the House franking commission, Democrats argue that sending the chart to constituents as official mail would violate House rules because the information is misleading.

This is classic shortsightedness on the part of the Dems. They're acting like they'll be in power in the House forever, apparently forgetting that some day (and probably sooner than they could imagine) there will once again be a GOP majority in control. When that day comes all these shenanigans the Dems have been pulling will come back to bite them.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I hope we can survive until then. As to the chart, unless people live in a cave, never turn on TV, or don't use the internet, it has been seen. Of course, if each person had one in their hot, little, old hands, it would be better.