HolyCoast: Something For Henry Louis Gates to Think About
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Something For Henry Louis Gates to Think About

During his confrontation with the Cambridge police, after being seen breaking into a house and refusing to identify himself to the responding officer, Harvard "black history" professor Henry Louis Gates was heard to shout this:
The Wall Street Journal thought it appropriate to remind Mr. Gates of a couple of things:
Mr. Gates lives in a city with a black mayor, a state with a black governor and a country with a black President.
Mr. Gates, this is not what happens to black men in this country. This is what happens to pompous, arrogant racist ###holes in America.


Linda said...

Only if you are a black can you cry 'racism'. Whites, and other ethnic groups are getting what they deserve, but no, not the blacks. The whole world is out to get them!

(Rick, get rid of the word verification! Please! :) )

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that Mr. Gates can stand up, let alone walk, with such a Big chip on his shoulder!

Merrie said...

What makes me even more sick to my stomach is that, while I didn't vote for, nor do I like, Obama, I do try to support my president of my country. His comments make it very clear that he does not support, nor represent, ME. He played the race card before he knew anything, and that was that. He will forever think of our country as a racist country -- the end.

Ann's New Friend said...

Gates is a professional racist. One might have added to that list: that Gates himself is a professor at Harvard. If that's what happens to black men in America, one wonders what he's whining about.

Of course one thing he is whining about is affirmative action since Gates knows better than anyone that his particular appearance at Harvard is thanks entirely to the color of his skin. This factor is becoming much less a factor in the lives of other black Americans, but it's true of him. He would not be in the job he holds today were he not a proponent of racism. That's why they hired him.