HolyCoast: HolyCoast Will Be Undergoing Some New Construction
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Monday, July 13, 2009

HolyCoast Will Be Undergoing Some New Construction

If things start looking a little different or a little weird around here, don't worry. I've decided to upgrade the template to the newest version of blog software available, and once it's complete hopefully everything will be working as it should. During the next day or so things may look a little screwy at times, but with luck I'll be able to get all that fixed.

I'll probably move the comments from Haloscan into the blog itself for future posts, so you may see a change in the way comments are handled.

Wish me luck.

Your comments are welcome.


Rick Moore said...

Test comment.

Linda said...

Testing, testing, testing, 1 - 2 - 3.

I guess it works!

I use this form too, and the nice thing about it that you don't have to open the comment page to read what others have said. Just sign up for follow-up comments. It also tells the name of the article. The only think I don't like is the 'word verification, but I can live with it.

Anonymous said...

Its coming in loud and clear here in Ohio AKA Flyover Country.

LewArcher said...

It looks as though the comments to posts before the 13th are gone.

Rick Moore said...

Tis true that the comments prior to today are gone. They were maintained on a different program and I've chosen not to use that program going forward. I still have all the comments, but have no way to merge them into the new blog format.

Ann's New Friend said...

Rick, we are counting on you to protect all our wise remarks. When you publish "the best of Holy Coast" don't forget all the clever things we said in the comment section in time past! (History is watching!)

Congrats on your new gadgets.