HolyCoast: House Dems Get a Talkin' To
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

House Dems Get a Talkin' To

The president summoned the recalcitrant House Dems to the White House Tuesday for a little talkin' to. So far, I don't think it worked:
House Democrats put their divisions on display over the details and timing of health care legislation Tuesday despite fresh attempts by President Barack Obama to hasten a compromise on the issue that looms increasingly as a major test of his clout.

With a self-imposed deadline for action in jeopardy, the Democratic leadership juggled complaints from conservatives demanding additional cost savings, first-term lawmakers upset with proposed tax increases and objections from members of the rank-and-file opposed to allowing the government to sell insurance in competition with private industry.

"No one wants to tell the speaker that she's moving too fast and they damn sure don't want to tell the president," Rep. CharlesRangel, D-N.Y., a key committee chairman, told a fellow lawmaker as the two walked into a closed-door meeting. The remark was overheard by reporters.
Hey, you gutless wonders, I'll tell 'em both they're going to fast and trying to do the wrong thing. It's not that hard.

Freshman Dems would like to have another 2 years in office and they're figuring out that voting for cap-and-tax and the coming health care bill will guarantee them a lot more time at home. Given how badly the polls are moving against both items, I don't think they'll be able to bully enough Dems to pass this thing.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

Rather than tell the speaker that she's "moving too fast," perhaps they should tell her she's driving over a cliff (kind of like Thelma and Louise). Suppose she'd get the hint?
