HolyCoast: Political Quote of the Day
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Political Quote of the Day

From Rush Limbaugh on Fox News:
The press has met their Waterloo and it's Obama. They have sacrificed whatever integrity, character, professionalism, ethics that they've had. It's all gone. Their total reason, most of them, for existence is propping this guy up. They're not reporting the details of his plans. They're not reporting his policies. They're looking at it as a horse race. Obama win... Obama lose... They're running countdown clocks on some of the networks for the press conference last night. Countdown clock: 8 hours 25 minutes 13 seconds to Obama press conference. These people sitting around with their tingles up their legs all day. They marvel at how Obama is so smooth and elegant. They are not informing anybody about the details of his policies. And yet, 53%, over 50% in most polls now oppose this health care plan. So who's telling the people? Who's telling the people what's in it? Alternative media. Your network, talk radio, the conservative blogger network. The mainstream media has cashed in its chips. They have become nothing more than stenographers for Rahm Emanuel. And it is breathtaking to see; willingly sacrifice every characteristic that makes quality journalism.
I got your back, Rush.


Goofy Dick said...

Finally, someone who has told it exactly as it is! The main News Media is all washed up.

Anonymous said...

This POTUS is shedding light on what the MSM stands for and believes, and some of that light is being reflected on the Democrat party as whole. While I believe God does allow judgement to come on a people and on a country, with that judgement God's blessing and mercy are also made available. It remains to be seen what direction we take as a people, as a country, and maybe most importantly what direction the church goes from here. It is certainly time to stand up and be counted.