HolyCoast: Sotomayor's Radical Connections
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Friday, July 03, 2009

Sotomayor's Radical Connections

The Republican who will lead the GOP side in the Sotomayor confirmation hearings is not liking what he's seeing:
The top Republican on the Senate committee that will consider Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination says a Puerto Rican civil rights group's papers could shed light on her judicial approach, particularly her view of racial preferences in hiring.

White House Counsel Greg Craig, however, told Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., in a letter that board meeting minutes and other papers detailing the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund's activities while Sotomayor was an outside adviser shouldn't impact her nomination because she had no role in writing or approving them.

"During her time there, the organization took extreme positions on legal issues ranging from the death penalty to abortion to racial quotas," Sessions said in a statement. He said it was "absurd" for the White House to call the documents irrelevant.

The battle over the papers isn't likely to damage Sotomayor's chances of confirmation, since Democrats have more than enough votes in favor of President Barack Obama's first high court nominee, and Republicans have shown little appetite for trying to block her.

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will begin confirmation hearings July 13, shrugged off the GOP concerns being raised about Sotomayor, saying some in the GOP were going to oppose any Obama pick - "even if the president had nominated Moses."

Since Moses isn't a U.S. citizen I imagine there would be GOP opposition to that pick.

Seriously, though, if Obama wanted a smooth confirmation process he shouldn't have chosen a radical leftist whose been obsessed with race her entire life. There were plenty of moderate judges that could have been chosen. Every time there was a court opening during a Republican adminstration the Dems demanded the president appoint a moderate, so why couldn't the Dems do it when they had the chance?

Because they were never interested in getting moderate judges.

I still have my doubt that Sotomayor's nomination can be stopped, but the evidence of her radical past is growing daily.

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