HolyCoast: Tea Party Bashing Reporter Fired by CNN
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Tea Party Bashing Reporter Fired by CNN

Back during the April Tea Parties one CNN reporter completely beclowned herself when she chose to get argumentative with attendees in Chicago. She made a series of stupid statements while at the same time berating her interviewees.

I don't know if it's related, but today we hear her contract is not being renewed:
Breaking: TVNewser has learned CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen's contract will not be renewed and she will be leaving the network.

Roesgen, you'll recall, was criticized for her coverage at the tax day tea parties in April, when she said the event she was covering in Chicago was, "anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing, conservative network Fox."

Roesgen took a break for a few weeks after that reporting and returned to the air in May covering the Drew Peterson arrest. Most recently, she covered Michael Jackson's death from Los Angeles. Roesgen joined CNN in 2005.
I'm sure there's some liberal news outlet that will be glad to have her.

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